
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Change of pace..

So since the Vinyl & Villains site is basically a show page, this one is kind of pushed to the way side. I wish it wasn't but it is.

So now this is more of a personal blog. Like livejournal was to me for a long time. So this is where it begins.

Lately I have been trying to get into more music that I haven't heard before. I'd like to thank Pandora for allowing me that pleasure. I've also been rocking a pretty hardcore pain in my back. I think it's a pinched nerve but I can't be too sure. I also can't get to a doctor because well, thats expensive. So I'm just laying down as much as I can, hoping to ease the pain with some over the counter pain meds.

I'm also frantically trying to find ways to get Vinyl & Villains noticed. I think I have a great concept here, its just trying to get the word out that is a pain and a half.

Well back to facebook, maybe there is something there I haven't done yet.

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