
Thursday, April 30, 2009

A "What Does All Mean?" Moment

So usually I try to reserve my blogs for the Twitter, because I don't usually have more to say than 140 characters, but this time I have something to get off of my chest. Who knows, maybe it will catch on and I might start blogging here, on an actual site.

Depending on what time you read this, I will be 30 years old. Now I know that people will be saying "Hey fatass, 30 is the new 20, get over it" or "You are only as old as you feel" or "Put down that sandwich and get on a tredmill". Okay, that last one really had nothing to do with it, but you get the point.

What's really bothering me isn't the number, its the time. When I look back and think about what I was thinking about 10 or 15 years ago about where I'd be now, things didn't work out. I feel like I have spent all this time on the planet and accomplished nothing. I've had radio shows, and interviewed bigger named celebrities, but it just doesn't seem to feel like an accomplishment.

I'm sure this too shall pass, it's just something that I wanted to get off my chest. Now, where is that sandwich?

1 comment:

Arisu_2 said...

Huh. You can write. Who knew. ;)

It suits you! You're guaranteed one reader if you do decide to try this blogging thing. If that helps.

Also: Intriguing tags.